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Storing Your Collectibles Properly

Not everybody who looks into getting a self storage unit does so with the intention of filling it up with junk. Sometimes they aren’t even moving or have limited space at home where they can’t even move with how much stuff there is. The motivation for some extra space can simply be having a safe spot to store some precious items. Collectibles in particular are items that we may want to keep a little more secure, or often require some special considerations for. So, when storing are precious collections we’re going to do it properly to avoid damaging them.

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Outboard Motor Winterization Tips

With temperatures dropping and the signs of winter well on the way, we boat owners are faced with the sad fact that it is time to put the boats to bed. Seeing them blocked up and covered over beneath a deep layer of snow is one of the more depressing sights of a boat owner. Before we can truly tuck the boat in for its hibernation, there are several things we have to take care of in order to ensure it makes it through the winter without any difficulties. One of those things is winterizing the motor properly, specifically we will look at outboard motor winterizing before storing them.

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