Is Your Recycling Putting Your Identity at Risk?


November 7th, 2018

The last thing that many people have on their mind when tossing something in the recycling bin is “did that put my identity at risk?”. It comes as a surprise to most that many everyday documents that get thrown in the recycling or trash can contain information that can provide an identity thief all the information they need to steal your identity and do some damage.

One of the best ways to minimize your risk of facing a stolen identity is to know what is safe to throw in the recycling bin, what should be kept, and what should be put through a shredder before hitting the curb. Many people are surprised when they find out what sort of everyday documents can contain potentially compromising information.
Here are some everyday documents that could put your identity at risk;

  • Resumes
  • Veterinarian invoices
  • Employment records and pay stubs
  • Past airline tickets and boarding passes
  • ATM receipts
  • Expired insurance policies
  • Expired credit cards
  • Prescription drug labels
  • Return labels

While some may choose to keep a portion of these documents, it is important to be aware that failing to shred these documents (among others) before sending them to the bin could put sensitive information at risk.
For those who prefer to maintain their records but find themselves lacking space, Alliston Self Storage is here to help! Our wide range of sizes and storage amenities means that our facility is capable of fulfilling your storage needs, whatever they might be! Take a look at our size estimator and other tools to see what unit may be best for you.
Talk to us today to discuss availability, pricing, and more!